3ds Rng Tool For Mac

This is an RNG Tool for main 3DS Pokemon games. Some parts should work with PokeCalcNTR using NTR-CFW.

This tool is a complete rewrite based off my SMEncounterRNGTool with largely improved performance and the following features:

  • Gen6 RNG. including stationary Pokemon, Mystery Gift Pokemon, wild Pokemon(75%), Eggs and ID.
  • Transporter RNG for transferred Virtual Console Pokemon.
  • Gen7 stationary, Mystery Gift and wild Pokemon RNG from my SMEncounterRNGTool.
  • Gen7 egg RNG and ID RNG based on Quandra's PokemonSunMoonRNGTool
  • More useful tweaks for Gen7 egg RNG.

User Guide and Useful References

  • Final Screen you should wait at and make the final key pressing.


  • 3DS RNG Tool (for Windows users) or.com's Gen 7 Egg RNG Tool (for Mac users—requires Java) Your TSV (Trainer Shiny Value) and the Shiny Charm if you plan on hatching shinies Patience.
  • Jun 06, 2017  PCalcG6 - v0.1.0 What was thought to be impossible for nearly 4 years is now the reality - Gen 6 RNG is here Keep in touch with us at The Official pokeCalcNTR Discord! If you need help, please check out our Troubleshooting section!
  • Zaksabeast, Zep715, Real96, Admiral Fish and Shiny_Sylveon for great teamworks on gen6 development
    • Zaksabeast and Admiral Fish for building up the plugin
    • Real96 for testing and lots of good advice
    • Zep715 for figuring out tons of infomation from the assembly
    • Shiny_Sylveon for contributions to Gen6 Egg RNG
  • odanado for making Gen7 RNG API, which make us find initial seed mush faster.
  • Kaphotics for PkHeX, KeyBV and Pk3DS. I borrowed some code from the PKHeX Core Library and extracted ROM info using Pk3DS.
  • 44670 for NTRClient.

Could someone help me to a link for a proper 3ds rng tool plz i've been trying for a while now and just cant seem to get close enough to the pokemon i want.

Ubuntu Rng Tools

Final Screen

Usually it's the last screen before the battle starts, or the special dialogue box.

Generation 7

  • In-game gifts/Fossils/Cosmog/Mystery Gift: You received xxx!
  • Tapus: Tapu ko-ko-ko-kooo!!! / Ta-pu-leeeh! / Ta-pu-loooo! / Ta-pu-fiiieee!
  • Solgaleo/Lunala: No dialogue.
  • Wild UBs, Island Scan & wild Pokemon: Hover over Bag button and press A to enter. The tool will take into account the honey delay for you.
  • Main RNG egg: But you want the Egg your Pokemon was holding. right?
  • Poke Pelago: Hover over Poke Pelago button and press A to enter. Be sure that new Pokemon will be generated when you enter the Poke Pelago.
  • Assembled Zygarde: Zygarde has gone into a Poke Ball!
  • Crabrawler: There was a Pokemon feeding on the Berries and it leaped out at you!
  • Fishing:
    • Timer user:
      1. Overview checked: Press A when A pops up (Frame1), then pull the fishing rod off water once you hear the sound. You have ~0.5 seconds tolerance to do so.
      2. Overview unchecked: Press A when the exclamation mark pops up (Frame2). Suction cups required.
    • PCalc user: Press 1st A when A pops up (Frame1), press 2nd A when the exclamation mark pops up (Frame2).
  • Rustling spots: No dialogue. Save as close as possible, make a step to trigger the battle.
Sun and Moon
  • Pikipek: No dialogue. Before the fourth step in grass.
  • Exeggutor: Ahhh! What is that, xxx?!
  • Starters: Having accepted on another, you'll surely be friends for life.
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
  • Ultra Wormholes Past-gen Legends/Non-legends: No dialogue. Save as close as possible, make a step to trigger the battle.
  • Ultra Wormholes UBs: No dialogue. Press A to trigger the battle.
  • Necrozma : Linooo!
  • Zygarde at Resolution Cave: Zeeehhhd!
  • Starters: You chose xxx!
  • Grubbin: No dialogue. Before the fourth step in grass.
  • Totem Pokemon: You received xxx!
  • Gastly: The cold thing suddenly attacked you!
  • Drifloon: Flooo!
  • Hypno: The Hypno are upset about being accused!
  • Bewear: Weeeaaarrrr!
  • Ditto Five: Dittoooo! / Di...Ditto-o-o-o-o?! / Dittottotto / Didi! / Ditto!
  • Sandygast: Gaaaaaaaaassstt!!!
  • Frillish: Friiiiilll...
  • Pinsir: Thwak! / Gruh! / Hyah!
  • Electrode: No dialogue. Unsable.

Transporter (Virtual Console)

  • Hover over Use this game button. Calibrate the delay beforehand.

Generation 6

Itool For Mac

  • Mystery Gift: xxx received xxx!
  • Pokemon Link: Would you like to retrieve data using Pokemon Link? Yes/No
  • Fossils: This is xxx! Please take good care of it.
  • Kalos/Hoenn Starters: Choose this Pokemon? Yes/No
  • Horde: Honey Selected. USE/GIVE/DISCARD
  • Rock Smash: Would you like to use Rock Smash? Yes/No
  • Fishing: Register at least two key items to Y menu. Wait at Y shortcut menu. Press arrow key to use the fish rod. TTT calibration required.
  • Eggs from Day Care:
    • Accepting => 1st Yes/No Screen: You do want it. don't you? / You'll be wanting it won't you? / You've gotta want it, right?
    • Rejecting => the Screen AFTER the 2nd Yes/No Screen: Well then, I'll hang on to it. Thank you!/ Well then, I'll be having this one! Thanks!/ Really really? Well... I'll keep it, then! Thanks!
  • ID : xxx... Tres bien! What a fantastic name! / So you're xxx? Yes/No
  • Mewtwo: Mew!
  • Xerneas/Yveltal: No dialogue.* Defeat it and rebattle to avoid long delay.
  • Zygarde: Zzzz-dddd-aaaaaa!
  • Kanto Legendary Birds: No dialogue.* Press the arrow key to trigger the battle.
  • Pidgey: No dialogue.* Wait at the first line of the grass. The encounter will happen at the 2nd row of grass. Press the arrow key to trigger the battle.
  • Kanto Starters: You picked xxx. then! I see. That's simply wonderful!
  • Snorlax: Snorlax opened its eyes wide!
  • Lucario: Lucario is staring intently at xxx. Will you take Lucario with you? Yes/No
  • Lapras: Would you mind taking Lapras with you on your journey? Sure!/I coundn't
  • Berry Tree: A Pokemon appeared!
  • Shaking Trash Can: No dialogue.*
  • Cave Drop/Cave Shadow/Dust Clouds/Rustling Bush: No dialogue.* Press the arrow key to trigger the battle.

3ds Rng Tool

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Linux Rng Tools

  • Portal(Hoopa Ring): Would you like to put your hand deep in the hole? / Would you like to examine it? Yes/No
  • Soaring Legends: Despite that, do you want to fly into the clouds? / Do you want to fly into the gap? Yes/No
  • Storyline Latios/Latias: xxx joined your team!
  • Eon Ticket Latios/Latias: Hyahhn!
  • Primal Kyogre/Groudon: No dialogue.* (The delay varies from console and save, and should be an odd number)
  • Rayquaza: Kiiiryarrrarrrarrrraaaashiiiii!!! (Tip: Wait until it finishes its movement)
  • Deoxys: The stone tablet before you--!!!
  • Regirock, Regice and Registeel: No dialogue.*
  • Regigigas: Zut zutt!
  • Starters(Gen 2/4/5): Yes, that one from the xxx region.
  • Wurmple: No dialogue.* Wait after the second step in grass. The encounter will happen at the 3rd steps in grass. Press the arrow key to trigger the battle.
  • DexNav Poochyena: xxx! Over here!
  • Cosplay Pikachu: You'll really, really, really stand out if you two go on stage with matching costumes!
  • Castform/Sharpedo/Camerupt/Gift eggs(Wynaut/Togepi): xxx recieved xxx.
  • Beldum: xxx obtained a Beldum
  • Spiritomb: Shahhh!
  • Kecleon: The startled Pokemon attacked!
  • Voltorb, Electrode: No dialogue.*

Rng Utils Rng Tools

* For consistent delay, use D-pad (arrow keys) to move along grid.