Xml Query Tool For Mac

Active5 years, 6 months ago

MS SQL Server Database Query Tool Features. The MS SQL Server database query tool features provided by RazorSQL include a custom MS SQL Server database browser tailored to SQL Server, a Transact-SQL SQL editor with Transact SQL and SQL Server specific features and syntax highlighting, custom SQL Server visual tools, and SQL Server specific database administration tools.

Hi I'm looking for an application which will open large xml files (50MB) AND which I can use X-Path queries. (For Windows)

Free XML editor from First Object meets the first criteria, but not the second.


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closed as off-topic by JasonMArcher, Artjom B., gnat, Kevin Brown, PangJan 20 '15 at 1:22

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  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – JasonMArcher, Artjom B., gnat, Kevin Brown, Pang
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7 Answers

First Object meets the second criteria also but in a tricky way. You have to right click the xml expression in xml file window and in the context menu select 'Generate Program'/'Gather Unique Values' . The FOAL program is generated in another window and in this you have to run in with F9 or the 'Run' context menu item, select the xml file and, finally, you have the output !

Pavel Štěrba
2,0411 gold badge14 silver badges39 bronze badges

I don't know how well it works with large files, but XML Notepad has some XPath capability.


Sql Server Query Tool For Mac

9,6411 gold badge21 silver badges33 bronze badges

You can use this XML XPath Visualizer Tool.

I am using it and it's seems nice and it's a light weight application for Windows.

2,0183 gold badges26 silver badges51 bronze badges

Altova XmlSpy is a very powerful tool which has support for XPath. It has XPath auto-completion and shows resulting node set at the time when you are typing your XPath query.

Sergey BerezovskiySergey Berezovskiy
195k24 gold badges338 silver badges380 bronze badges

Traditional xpath engines create DOM from XML and evaluate xpath on that DOM. Creating DOM for 50MB xml files requires lot of memory.

You can try XMLDog. it evaluates xpath on large xml files without creating DOM, thus requires little memory. It comes with a command line tool xmldog.bat.

It is implemented in java. So you can use it on windows

Santhosh Kumar TekuriSanthosh Kumar Tekuri

50Mb is large, but well within the capacity of (say) Saxon. A lot depends on how you are using XPath: do you want to run more than one XPath query against the same document, for example? In that case, you almost certainly want the document in memory. In Saxon that will take about 250Mb, which is readily available on most modern machines. If you want to parse the XML from disk each time you run an XPath expression, then there may be processors that can do that (at least for a subset of XPath), but the parsing cost is likely to be high. As often happens, faster speed will cost more memory.

Michael KayMichael Kay
117k6 gold badges65 silver badges125 bronze badges

I've used xmlstarlet before which enabled me to script the entire process. Was hoping to find newer solutions to the problem, but this is the best of the list I see so far.

Jeff MinderJeff Minder

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Active3 years, 11 months ago

I am trying to import data from a website on my worksheet, but when I click on import data from a new database query, it shows an error of saying:

' Microsoft Query is not installed'

I have searched every where but could not find the solution. Please help me out..


3 Answers

The process is a bit different on the mac.

  1. In the Finder, go to /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Queries
  2. Open any file you see there in a text editor
  3. Replace the URL with your query URL
  4. Save as a new file back in that same Queries folder
  5. In Excel, go to Data > Get External Data > Run Saved Query
  6. Pick the file you just created from the list

So, for example, to pull the results of a Google search for 'tacos', you could create a text file that looks like this and save in your Queries folder:

1,6531 gold badge11 silver badges26 bronze badges

I noticed that some people could’t find the queries. Queries examples are automatically downloaded when you install MS Office 2011 for Macs. If they are installed, one way to find an example is doing the following.

  1. Right Click on the Finder icon (usually the first icon on the Dock)
  2. Select “New Smart Folder” from the menu
  3. On the left top of the pop up window, you’ll see “Search For:”, and a space to type what you are looking for in your Mac
  4. Type “MSN MoneyCentral Currencies” (excluding the quotes). “MSN MoneyCentral Currencies' is one of the queries automatically installed, so it should list it on the body of the found items (other files may appear if you happen to have more than one with the same name)
  5. Click on the file

The bottom of the Smart Finder window will display its location (folder tree).

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Xml query syntax

Both jonaz's method and User 2413421's reference at dummies.com work for me if the query file is in SimpleText Format, i.e. MS-DOS plain text with CR/LF line delimitation. When I save the file in Mac OS Plain Text Format, it's greyed out in the Excel Run Saved Query dialog, and can't be selected. I haven't found a way to save in MS-DOS format from Pages or TextEdit, but it's easy enough to do in Word for Mac 2011. My queries work fine without the .iqy suffix described at dummies.com.

Sql Query For Xml Data

David KnappDavid Knapp

Xml Query Attribute

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