Autocad Add Tool Palette
I use tool palettes properties == read only but i need to lock (AcTpCatalog.atc) with a password saber Asked 7 hours ago in AutoCAD.
- [Jim] With the revised interface in the last release,AutoCAD for Mac moved closer to the interfaceused in the Windows version, while retaining the lookof a typical Mac OS application.AutoCAD for Mac 2018 continues to tweak the interface,revising the icons, as well as adding new palette features,that help preserve screen real estate.Another change is the way we interactwith the plotting system,including new virtual printers, to aid in creating PDFs.Lastly, though it will probably be oneof the first things you encounter,is the new migration tool,that helps you import all of your customization settingsfrom your previous installs of AutoCAD for Mac.
My name is Jim LaPier, and join me now as we take a lookat the new features of AutoCAD for Mac 2018.
Autocad For Mac Tool Palette Autocad
C | CIRCLE / Creates a circle |
CBAR | CONSTRAINTBAR / A toolbar-like UI element that displays the available geometric constraints on an object |
CH | ROPERTIES / Controls properties of existing objects |
CHA | CHAMFER / Bevels the edges of objects |
CL | COMMANDLINE / Displays the Command Line window |
CLIPVIEWPORT | VPCLIP / Clips layout viewport objects and reshapes the viewport border |
CO | COPY / Copies objects a specified distance in a specified direction |
COL | COLOR / Sets the color for new objects |
COMMANDHIDE | COMMANDLINEHIDE / Hides the Command Line window |
CREASE | MESHCREASE / Selects mesh subojects to crease |
CREATESOLID | SURFSCULPT / Converts a group of surfaces that enclose a watertight region to a 3D solid |
CSETTINGS | CONSTRAINTSETTINGS / Controls the display of geometric constraints on constraint bars |
CT | CTABLESTYLE / Sets the name of the current table style |
CUBE | NAVVCUBE / Controls the visibility and display properties of the ViewCube tool |
CURVATUREANALYSIS | ANALYSISCURVATURE/ Evaluates areas of high and low surface curvature by displaying a color gradient |
CUSTOMIZE | CUI/ Manages the customized user interface elements |
CYL | CYLINDER / Creates a 3D solid cylinder |