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Sep 25, 2018 Odds and Ends: Mac App Store, iTunes, Security The recurring theme of macOS Mojave seems to be 'this was great in iOS, let's bring it to the Mac,' and that's very clear in the redesigned Mac App. Finally, you are able to access a simple drawing tool via the Ink popup window. Just switch from text to drawing at the very bottom of the page and you can whip up a quick sketch. This is handy for demonstrating simple concepts or sending quick images to friends via a program like iChat. The Invitation Preview is available now for Windows and Mac OS X, with an iOS Preview coming soon. When you receive your invitation, download GigJam and start using it with anyone, even those without an invite. If you haven’t yet signed up, visit the GigJam site and register to receive an invitation.
Mac Hand Tool
Hand Tool Definition
Hand Tool Kennedy
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