Wbs Tool For Mac

Active1 year ago

I am searching for the good tools for creating Work Breakdown Structure and Gantt Chart that work cross platform because other people in my team use Window. So, this forces me to find cross platform tools.

Wbs tool for mac

1: MS Project Viewer for Mac; Available views: WBS, Gantt chart, task sheet, resource sheet, resource usage. It is running on any Java enabled platform including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and it is the perfect solution for project stakeholders to view the project. Forgot Password Please enter your e-mail bellow and repeat the validation code. A new password will be generated and sent to this e-mail. Editable work breakdown structure template to plan your work. Edit this WBS template online using our tool and easily visualize your project work. Collaboration features to do the breakdown as a team. You can edit this template and create your own diagram. Creately diagrams can be exported and added.

What have found so far are :

OpenProj : I have used it. The behavior is so quirky that why I gave up.

GanttProject : Cool tool! It can be used to create Gantt along with PERT chart. However, it cannot generate WBS chart.

I have searched a lot and I didn't find the one that I love.

Could you please share your great tools that you are using along with advantages and disadvantages?


1 Answer

http://teamgantt.com … used by Oracle, Twitter, Sony. You will have to call whether their features are close enough to a WBS to be acceptable.Allows for CSV file import (a file format exported by MS Project).

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